Verified On-Chain Experience

Case Study: Smart Contract Developers

Developers can verify and showcase smart contracts they have deployed on various blockchains. For instance, a developer who created a popular DeFi protocol can link the smart contract address, allowing potential employers or collaborators to verify their work directly on the blockchain. Additionally, we're exploring ways to use basescan/etherscan to allow you to display everything you've built across testnets.

Body Benefits

  • Credibility: Freelance developers can prove their technical expertise and contributions to high-impact projects or personal projects.
  • Transparency: Eliminates the need for third-party validation, aka Github repos/ Employer validation reducing the risk of fraud.


Verified On-Chain Experience

Learn more about verifying your on-chain experience and credentials.

Personal Links and Portfolio

Learn more about linking your social profiles and showcasing your NFT collections.


Learn more about how DeFi traders can showcase their trading performance and current holdings.

Skill Explorer

Discover creators and devs based on their skill sets or titles, and filter profiles by these criteria.


Showcase your roles and contributions in various Discord servers and guilds.

Recommendation Feature

Learn more about how team members can receive verifiable recommendations from their employers.

Trading Stats

Showcase your trading history and performance across various exchanges.


Skills and Compensation

Browse the hottest web3 skills and their corresponding compensation, and see job rankings and verified payments.

Job Ranking and Stats

Displays rankings and statistics about the top freelancers on the platform.

Verified Payments

Ensures that all work payments are verified and settled on the platform, reducing the risk of fraud and scams.

Multi-Chain Support

Integrate and showcase activities across various blockchains with Web3me profiles.

First to Market

Web3me is the first platform to aggregate and verify blockchain-specific skills, offering a competitive edge.

Competitive Advantages

Verification and Immutable Records

Verify cross-chain activities and ensure the authenticity of user claims with immutable records.

Unlimited Customization

Influencers can customize their profiles with various links, including educational content, webinars, and social media channels. This allows them to maintain a comprehensive and engaging online presence.

Live Data Integration

Live Data Integration

Market Opportunity

Explore the target market and serviceable market size for Web3 identity management and decentralized ID.

Business Model

Learn about the freemium model, including Starter, Pro, and Premium plans.


Why Base?

Improving Base's User Experience with Web3me by providing verified, user-friendly profiles.


Web3me is set to revolutionize the way professionals in the crypto space showcase their skills and verify their blockchain activities.

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